Intuitive Healing Session
Hayley has developed a unique treatment style that infuses a variety of energy work techniques, guided by her intuitive gifts and spirit guides to support your body, mind and soul!
Hayley uses her training, education and experience in each session guided by her ability to “feel”, “sense” or “see” underlying stressors or blocks that are being held in the cellular memory of your body. In a session these unconscious stressors or blocks will surface when you’re ready to release them. When this happens Hayley “feels”, “senses” or “sees” these stressors or blocks in the form of muscle tension, colour (emotions), objects, visions, vibration, feelings or words. She uses specific energy healing technique’s to remove these stressors and blocks, creating space to shift old beliefs systems, relieve anxiety and fear, clear trauma, relieve muscle tension and pain and create space for flow and healthy communication within your body-mind to heal.
This space facilitates the growth of new neuropathways to form so you can create new positive thought patterns, shift your perception, grow and live your life more in alignment with your heart! ❤
Each session is custom tailored for you!
Hayley infuses several treatment techniques including but not limited to Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, Cellular Regeneration, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Energy Healing & Energy Clearing, Access Bars, Chakra Balancing, Mediumship, Intuitive Support(6 Claires) all guided by Spirit.
Online: Hayley shares virtual Intuitive Healing Sessions through the globe via Jane Online, Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp or phone from the comfort and convenience of your home, office or favorite vacation spot. She has worked with clients remotely across her home town of Victoria to Canada’s East Coast, Mexico, Hawaii, US to the UK.
In-person: Clients receive treatment laying comfortably on an Amythest Infrared Bio-Mat. Please wear cotton clothing for treatment (e.g. T-shirt and comfortable cotton or yoga style pants.)
Relax your Mind, Nourish your Body and Love your Soul!
Gift Certificates are available…

Subtitle goes HereAdults
Subtitle goes HereChildren 13 and under
Subtitle goes HereHayley is in her element and the perfect medium for teaching energy work - she's intuitive, loving and filled with light. Hayleys wisdom is only exceeded by her skills of facilitation and her practice - a true master and an excellent teacher. Thank you for sharing your gifts!
Alexander Rabu