Book a Session

Reiki Session

Intuitive Healing Session

Craniosacral Therapy

The Passion Test

A session with Hayley… 

Step into a space of healing, growth and transformation, where I offer one-on-one, in person and online sessions designed to meet you where you are on your journey. We’ll work together through Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy or infuse a variety of energy healing tecniques in an Intuitive Healing Session.  I’ve trained in multiple energy healing and physical therapies over the past 20 years and am happy to create a session naturally tailored to meet your needs.  

During every session I take into account what you’ve shared with me on your intake form, my training and experience, and am guided intuitively by what your body shows me it’s ready to let go of, clear and balance.  Each session is guided by spirit to gently nurture your body-mind, emotions, and soul. 

I look forward to connecting with you! 



Group Intuitive Healing Session


Thrive and connect in the collective energy of like-minded individuals. Group Intuitive Healing Sessions are designed for you to receive those “Aha moments”, clear and balance your energy and enrich your healing experience in a supportive, synergistic group setting.  Hayley shares her experience and education, utilizing multidisciplinary tecniques guided by spirit and her intuitive gifts very similar to one-on-one sessions.  Group sessions are available online making them affordable and accesible.  Spaces are limited. 

Would love to see you there!

Hayley is in her element and the perfect medium for teaching energy work - she's intuitive, loving and filled with light. Hayleys wisdom is only exceeded by her skills of facilitation and her practice - a true master and an excellent teacher. Thank you for sharing your gifts!

Alexander Rabu